Created by Charisdike 10 years ago
Raquel said Jack didn't dress up until after the stroke. And yet every year he was in our Atlanta church Nativity. Usually Jack was a wise man. He knew the costume he would wear each year and let us fix his head gear. On occasional years he played Herod. No one wants to play this part, and yet Jack did it with such scowling that he scared even the adults. There wasn't any job that needed doing in our group that he didn't quietly step up and do. We cannot tell you how many board meetings he went to. When Patrick came he was on pastor's council as well. But to list what Jack did for us cannot begin to explain his impact. Jack's kindness, good humor, wisdom and love radiated out to old and young. He is well loved by each and everyone of us. That he will be a gift to those he meets in Heaven goes without saying. To his family know that we saw him as you did, a blessing in our lives, a man to look up to and a gift from God.